Saturday, November 11, 2023

Mushrooms, Music, and Myopia

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


Greetings, dear readers.

We're helping a friend celebrate a big birthday this weekend, and hanging with out-of-town visitors, so let's get down to business with a double pipe pic.

An Italian Jazz Pickle asked if I'd share a photo of Sandro Pertini, President of Italy from 1978 to 1985, who's smoking a pipe in nearly every photo I've seen. He also appears as a caricature by Italian cartoonist Andrea Pazienza (1956-1988).

Mille grazie to Paradoxer for the suggestion, and for introducing me to the work of Andrea Pazienza.

Now, let's revisit this week's Bizarro gags, written and drawn by your Italian-American cartoonist.

These were fun guys to draw.

We've all been there at one time or another.

Wednesday's panel resulted from a half-remembered dream I had a couple of months ago, wherein I was apparently a pipe smoker searching for pipe cleaners. I found some in a drugstore, and while paying the clerk, I said, "I must be the last person in the world who actually uses these to clean a pipe."

The dream wasn't funny, but it got me thinking about how odd it is that these things are still called pipe cleaners, and I hammered it into a gag.

And I just noticed that the first half of the week was an inanimate object hat trick.

Finally, some human characters! The caption (hopefully) suggests the corkscrew structure of DNA.

Contact lenses might be less conspicuous, but our protagonist should have Lasik surgery if he expects to get away with cheating.

Halloween never ends at my house.

That wraps up another week of droll drawings.  

See you next week.

Bonus Track 

Vinicio Capossela: "Con Una Rosa"
from the album Canzoni A Manovella

I may not understand all of the words, but Caposella's music speaks to me.

Bizarro Around the Web

If you like what we do, and appreciate that it comes to you free of charge, we encourage you to explore any or all of the following links. 


 Wayno's Weekly Bizarro Newsletter

 Dan Piraro's Weekly Bizarro Blog

Dan's Tip Jar

Dan "Diego" Piraro's Peyote Cowboy Graphic Novel

Official Bizarro Shop

King Features Subscription & Archive Access

Copyright© 2023 by Wayno®  


  1. Alan Beckley11:10 AM

    If you count “eyeball” on the Scrabble rack, there are five secret symbols.

    1. We don't count a word as a secret symbol, but you are welcome to if you wish!

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I’m glad you explained the geneticist gag. I appreciate that you didn’t dumb it down, I just needed to smarten up.

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    DNA is a double helix. I guess corkscrew is a close approximation. Not sure of a double helix pasta. . .

    1. Indeed. The fusilli would be, I hope, enough to suggest the idea to someone who looks at a similar shape all day.

  4. Anonymous11:16 PM

    In a smoke shop they’re still called pipe cleaners, but the colorful ones that kids and crafters use are referred to chenille stems.

    1. I just saw a package of "chenille stems" in a hardware store this weekend. I had no idea!

  5. I'd think that the myopic invisible man could see the tiles without glasses. Perhaps he's really a hyperopic invisible man?

    1. You could be right, Tom. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Vlad jokes hss a great spin-off potential

    1. Perhaps like a vampire, those jokes never get old?

  7. paradoxer12:02 PM

    thanks for the pipe pic, dear Wayno. I hopeyou'll enjoy Pazienza's work :)

  8. paradoxer12:04 PM

    thanks a lot for publishing my President'spic, dear Wayno. hope you'll enjoy Pazienza's work.paradoxer

    1. Thank you, paradoxer. I was sorry to learn that Pazienza died so young, and so tragically.

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yum! Morel support is the tastiest kind you can ask for. Jennifer in Yakima, WA
