Saturday, November 04, 2023

Anything for a Laugh

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


Greetings from Bizarro Studios North, dear friends.

Today, we're foregoing a lengthy intro, and jumping in with a midcentury pipe pic.

The image was recently posted by a company called Two Communications ("Our Mission: Empower Ham Radio") and brought to my attention by Bizarro reader Gerry J.

A caption identified our subject as Gene Senti, shown demonstrating features of his newly developed KWM-1 SSB/CW transceiver, introduced in 1957.

A tip of the ol' porkpie to Gerry for this fine photo.

It's time to demonstrate the features of this week's Bizarro gags. I only wish I had a vintage double-breasted suit to wear as I type this entry.

There might be a kernel of truth behind the tricolor character's assumption (if we're being generous.)

Tuesday's panel features one of our favorite surrealists as a child. René Magritte's iconic painting The Son of Man has inspired countless gags drawn by hundreds of cartoonists, so it was a rare treat to come up with one that hasn't been done before (as far as I can determine).

Mike Peterson said some nice things about this gag in his Comic Strip of the Day column at The Daily Cartoonist.

Bizarro wins Costume of the Year, demonstrating that you don’t have to be elaborate, you just have to be clever. The gag evokes a sort of “Well, of course!” laughing response, coupled with a bit of jealousy that you didn’t think of it yourself.

The best costumes generally do.

We enjoyed that review more than a fistful of Skittles. Thank you, Mr. Peterson.

Speaking of cartoon tropes, we shamelessly offered up a fly-in-the-soup gag on Wednesday. 

I can imagine tattoo artists routinely getting requests of this type.

Sometimes one has to indulge one's silly side. A silly joke may even turn out to be my favorite of the week and find itself in the Friday slot.

I also liked it because it was the least complicated strip conversion of the week.

The character in the middle is smiling while pondering how to interpret that statement. It turns out they were cellmates in a federal prison.

That's our latest comedic output. I hope you enjoyed some or all of the above. Thanks for checking them out. 

See you next week.

Bonus Track 

Wire: "I Am the Fly"
from the album Chairs Missing
Harvest Records UK, 1978

Thanks to former Pittsburgher Timothy P. for mentioning the band Wire in response to Wednesday's gag. The music actually sounds like tiny guitars played by insects.

Need more Bizarro in your life?

If you like what we do, and appreciate that it comes to you free of charge, we encourage you to explore any or all of the following links. 


 Wayno's Weekly Bizarro Newsletter

 Dan Piraro's Weekly Bizarro Blog

Dan's Tip Jar

Dan "Diego" Piraro's Peyote Cowboy Graphic Novel

Official Bizarro Shop

King Features Subscription & Archive Access

Copyright© 2023 by Wayno®  


  1. Judi H12:10 PM

    Wayno I really enjoyed the piece by Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. And now, back to you!

  2. Michael Johnson12:37 PM

    Now I have to check out Bonzo Dog.

  3. "A Fistful of Skittles" sounds like the title of a spaghetti western with a cast of children, just as "Bugsy Malone" was a gangster film with a cast of children.

    1. Not a bad idea! Now that I read the comment, I recall that one of Jean Shepherd's books is titled "A Fistful of Fig Newtons." I was aware of the title but never read the book.

    2. I never heard of that book. Guess I should look it up!

    3. This summary looks quite interesting.

  4. paradoxer3:41 AM

    Dear Wayno, thanks for your always amusing and intelligent blog+cartoons. here in Italy, I never miss it. for your pipe pic,would you be so kind as to add a photo of our beloved President of the Republic Sandro Pertini and his cartoon twin?

    we Italians loved our Socialist Partisan President, never seen without a pipe and so appreciated, Andrea Pazienza(one of the best Italian cartoonists)made a character out of him.

    1. Thanks for the photos! It looks like Pertini was almost always seen with a pipe. I'll add him to my Pipes folder.


  5. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I look at Wikipedia's front page daily, and today their featured picture is a great one for your pipe file:,_Mestia,_Svanetia,_Georgia_(Republic).jpg
