Saturday, September 09, 2023

Plug Me In

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


I'm composing this entry more than a week in advance. When it's posted, I'll be recovering from a trip to New York and Jersey City for the National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Awards festivities.

So, we'll once again have a rather brief post for you. Don't worry, though. I'll be my usual verbose self soon enough.

Today's pipe pic is a panel from a comic I drew in 1994, based on the song "Trashpickin'" by my old buddy Ben Vaughn.

Here's the full-page comic.

Ben is the host of my favorite podcast/radio show, The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn, which you would probably enjoy.

Now, let's review the week's funnies, once again with the briefest of comments from your cartoonist.

Some people have their career paths defined at an early age.

Two characters volunteered for decapitation to accommodate the trip layout.

Soon, we'll have enough inanimate object gags for a nice little book collection.

They're more exposed in the strip layout, and you can see how the character design inspired the tail on the word balloon.

My initial sketch gave them human bodies, but I came to my senses before drawing the final art.

Wednesday's protagonists needed a little fleshing out to make the gag work.

This drawing took longer than I'd anticipated. I ought to know better by now.

That's not exactly what a Jai Ali court (field?) looks like, but it's close enough for the funnies.

WaynoBlog shows the vertical strip so you don't have to rotate your newspaper.

Their spiel included a reading from The Book of Whatever.

See you next week with more stuff like this. Thanks for stopping by.

Bonus Track 

You knew this was coming, right?

This is Ben's 2007 re-recording of the song. The original version isn't available on YouTube, but the remake is swell, too.


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Jai Alai is played on a fronton. Just thought i would mention it....

    1. Much appreciated! I learned a new word, and I hope you'll pardon the extreme liberties I took drawing the fronton...

  2. Jim Hightower4:56 PM

    Hi Wayno! Re: the toilet repair panel, were you tempted to try to come up with a joke involving the word "dyke"?
