Saturday, July 15, 2023

Postmortem Pizza

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


I am a Humanist, which means, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without any expectation of rewards or punishments after I’m dead.
Kurt Vonnegut

I like to scroll through websites offering quotations attributed to prominent figures, where I sometimes encounter a phrase or idea that might serve as a starting point for a gag. I often find myself exploring multiple quotes from a single person, which is how I came upon these words from Kurt Vonnegut. I did extra research on this, as I didn’t fully trust the first place I saw it because they alphabetize authors by their first names, and it appears that this is something he actually said and wrote.

Vonnegut was an honorary president of the American Humanist Association from 1992 until he died in 2007. His words express thoughts I’ve had on this subject, so perhaps I’m a (small “h”) humanist or simply a human who thinks that the basis of their philosophy makes sense. The threat (or promise) of punishments (or rewards) in an afterlife have historically been tools for control, oppression, and the acquisition of power. We still see dogmatists trying to impose their superstitions on the entire population.

My takeaway from the humanist way of thinking is, Try to be nice to people. A statement from The Humanist Society of Western New York put it more eloquently:
[T]his is the only life of which we have certain knowledge and we owe it to ourselves and others to make it the best life possible for ourselves and all with whom we share this fragile planet.
Although recent quotation-browsing may not have inspired any cartoons, it did provide a jumping-off point for this post.


My good pal and fellow ink-monkey Mark Zingarelli recently shared a page of original comic book art on his Facebook page. I clipped this panel for obvious reasons. Zing also provided info on the art. It’s from Amazing Spider-Man #59, April 1968, written by Stan Lee. The art was by John Romita (layouts), Don Heck (pencils), and Mike Esposito (inks)

Following are this week’s Bizarro gags. Please don’t compare the drawings to any other comic art you may have seen in this post.

This panel’s alternate title is Variation on an Overused Movie Cliche.

Saying the genre out loud is in itself a spoiler.

Glass distinctions are so twentieth-century.

In such a crowded field, a win would indeed be impressive.

The real one is always accompanied by a small soft drink.

Eventually, people got wise to Medusa and she had to resort to trickery.

Thanks for looking at these things we do. Your comments are always welcome. See you again next week.

Bonus Track

NRBQ: "Ridin' in My Car"
From the LP All Hopped Up
Red Rooster Records, 1977

I've mentioned my affection for NRBQ in the past, and this song, written by Big Al Anderson, is one of their best. It's also a perfect tune for summer, don't you think?


  1. Steve Waltman9:14 AM

    The zombie one made me think of "Tutti Frutti" by Little Richard. The caption almost fit his intro!

    1. It could almost work! Coincidentally, I recently listened to the "Tutti Frutti" episode of the podcast "A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs." I highly recommend it. Patreon supporters also get access to ten-minute bonus episodes.

      I'm not in any way associated with that podcast, but am an enthusiastic fan.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Great podcast idea. I have added it. now, do I start at the beginning or at the current ones. So many choices. Thanks

    3. I'm mostly listening to them in order, but occasionally I'll grab one out of sequence, like the recent episode on The Band.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Looks like the last panel is from last week, not today’s!

    1. Thank you for catching that! I wrote this post under unusual circumstances. I was temporarily unable to work in my home base, and composed the blog offsite, working on an iPad, which doesn't play as well with Google's Blogger platform.

      I used the prior entry as a template, and edited it, but I missed that last one.

      In fairness to Blogger and the iPad, I was somewhat sleep deprived, so I'll feel fortunate if that was the only mistake here!

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hmmm.. Medusa almost exceeded my intellectual capability. "Almost".

  4. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I liked your comment on Kurt Vonnegut, the finality of death and that we should treat each other kindly. Yup!

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Jangle's ex looks like Krysten Ritter (to my eyes). I haven't had the such luck but I'd imagine she has dumped her fair share of clowns.

    Great art, great gags. Good luck with the renovation (knowing how hellish it can be)!

    Great gratitude to you and Dan!
