Saturday, August 24, 2024

Peel Slowly and See

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


Next to power without honor, the most dangerous thing in the world is power without humor.
Eric Sevareid

While browsing for quotes about the value of humor (also known as rationalizing my career choice), I found this one from the late journalist Eric Sevareid, which could have been written today.

I'd add a postscript: Power without honor or humor is beyond merely dangerous, and must be stopped by people of good will.

Today's pipe pic was spotted in the wild by Bizarro reader Kevin, who snapped a photo and send it to me via the Substack newsletter.

The gent's portrait hangs on the wall of Pelican Pier, a fish & chips shop in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We don't know who he is, but we're happy to feature his photo.

Thanks to Kevin for the terrific image. It's always a treat to receive an original photo to share.

We make no claims of power but hope that this week's Bizarro gags offer some measure of humor.

Connoisseurs of music and pop art may recognize these characters.

With minor rotational adjustments, they fit nicely into a vertical strip.

Technology again sets us free, maybe.

The strip version offers a wider view of the cardboard clutter.

This pet owner may regret not choosing a drinking bird as a companion. They're easier to care for and less sardonic.

Al Sleet lives!

Friday's gag questions the assumed power dynamic. Is the big guy controlling the little guy, or is that what the little guy wants him to believe?

The familiar "Student Driver" bumper stickers could be adapted for many applications, as we imagined in Friday's gag.

To compensate for the sacrifice of a portion of the patient in the strip layout, we added a pair of Bizarro brand jeans.

That's the latest in drollery from Bizarro Studios North. Thanks for checking in with us, and keep your eyes peeled for more high and low humor next week.

Far Out Fashion

We’re pleased to announce that Comics Kingdom is offering three new Bizarro shirts for the well-dressed Jazz Pickle.

Click on any design to jump to the ordering page.

Celebrate Bizarro’s imaginary metal band with a stylin' Irön Bunnies öf Dööm shirt designed by yours truly. Available in eight colors and sizes XS to 4XL.

Every cool cat and kitten needs an official Bizarro Jazz Pickle tee.

The briny be-bopper design was created by our CEO (Chief Eyeball Officier) Dan Piraro and is available in five groovalicious shirt colors, sizes XS to 5XL.

The Pipe of Ambiguity Secret Symbol was inspired by René Magritte's surrealist masterwork, The Treachery of Images (popularly known as This Is Not a Pipe.)

Our bewildering Not a Shirt design comes in six colors, in sizes XS to 4XL.

We’d love to show off photos of our Bizarro Buds wearing these shirts. If you’d care to share, please send your pics to: WaynoCartoons(at)gmail(dot)com.

By sending your photo, you permit us to share it online. Readers will be identified only by first name, last initial, and city.

Whether or not you send a picture, we truly appreciate your support!

Bonus Track
Michael X. Whelan: "Powerhouse"

Michael Whelan is a versatile Southern California musician with wide-ranging tastes. He's a member of the band Cosmic Ocean, which I recommend. 

Michael also makes entertaining videos where he plays all instruments other than drums. In this one, he performs a heavy metal cover of Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse," which was featured in countless Warner Brothers cartoons.

Special thanks to Michael for allowing me to share his work with you. Keep an eye on this guy, and check out his YouTube page for more videos.

A Lovely Bunch of Bizarro



  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Special thanks for the musical treat this week! (Check out Don Byron's "The Penguin" for fun... and/or the Carl Stalling soundtrack CDs!) Love the Eric Sevareid quote -- reminds me to be careful of the wielders of so-called "power humor," too. Keep smilin'!

    1. Those Carl Stalling discs are killer, and I love Don Byron, too. I recommend John Zorn's "Cynical Hysterie Hour," which is in the spirit of the Stalling scores.

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Is please be patient a request for volunteers?

  3. Tom in Colorado6:47 PM

    Hoping to buy a T-shirt with the eyeball hidden symbol on it someday. Got any plans for the eyeball T-shirt?

    1. If we do more shirts, we'll see if we can work in an eyeball design. Thanks, Tom!

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    P.S. In search of musical fun, one might also search that video site for "Powerhouse from Raymond Scott Reimagined" for another snazzy version.

    1. Thanks! Raymond Scott's music seems to make every performer do their best!

  5. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Congrats Reuben Award Winner! You more than deserved it...


    1. Thank you, Ric! I'm still in shock!

  6. Jimbro4:59 AM

    I missed the Reuben Award news, hopefully we'll hear more about it here!

    1. Yes, and lots of pic in the newsletter!

  7. Congrats for the Rueben Award! Also the Bonus Track was great! What a talent!

  8. Anonymous8:13 PM

    The only on-line order that I have on auto-renewal is for cat food, and that's so Rufus doesn't eat *me*.

  9. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Congratulations Wayno!! Thanks for the cartoons...

  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Congratulations on the NCS award! Much deserved!

  11. Al Sleet reigns!
    Congrats on your Rueben. Hope it was on wry.

    1. David: Al Sleet reigns, indeed!

      A friend made me a badge that says "Where's my sandwich?"

  12. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Congrats on the Reuben. I envision it as a bronze corned beef on rye. Hope it features prominently on your mantle.

    1. I still have to decide where to hang it, after discovering that it's too heavy to wear on a neck chain!
