This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.
Petri writes:
I recently read an article linked to a short Simpsons clip on YouTube. The clip features a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters, feverishly typing away (in shackles, no less!) in Mr. Burns’s mansion. I noticed that one of the monkeys was smoking a pipe, so I thought I might suggest it as a pipe pic candidate. I took the liberty of taking a screenshot.
Please note that sharing this video is not an endorsement of the forced labor of monkeys.
Thanks for the screen capture, Petri!
I referred to last week's pipe pic as an example of "Nephew Art" and explained it as well as I was able, but I couldn't recall who originated the term.
Fortunately, Dan Piraro commented:
For some reason, I think "nephew art" may have been the invention of one of our idols, B. Kliban. I'm not sure why I think that, and I may be totally wrong.
Thanks to Dan's powers of recollection, I located the source. Click on the image to see an enlarged version. (This applies to all photos in the blog).
Every year on National Cartoonists' Day (May 5), cartoonists share Kliban's famous "Out of the way, you swine!" panel.
We'd never have a club-wielding cop threaten anyone, so we'll just say, "Excuse us, but there's a new week of Bizarro cartoons coming through."
Who can resist the playful charms of Bettie Kilowatt?
This character is doing "Involuntarily Dry January."
New Year's Day marked the fourth birthday of the Pipe of Ambiguity Secret Symbol, which honors Bizarro's patron surrealist, René Magritte.
That reminds me: the official Pipe of Ambiguity T-shirt is one of the fun items in the Comics Kingdom Bizarro collection.
BBC2 TV, 1984
We don't love doing commercials, but it's now part of the job. As newspapers face an ever more perilous future, cartoonists must find supplements to help them stay in business.
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