Saturday, August 31, 2024

Okay, Boomerang

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


It’s been a wild week since our last entry, and I have a lot of work to catch up on, so let’s head straight to today’s pipe pic.

It's one of Seymour Chwast’s many self-portraits featuring a pipe. Chwast and Milton Glaser founded Push Pin Studios, a successful and influential graphic design studio.

I found this image myself, so I guess I should thank the internet for our ability to waste time following an endless number of links.

Bizarro Scores a Win

I got a big surprise last weekend when I received a Silver Reuben Award from the National Cartoonists Society for Best Newspaper Panel.

The annual NCS meeting provides an opportunity for reclusive cartoonists to dress up and socialize. This was the 78th Reuben weekend, and it was gratifying to see so many friends recognized for their work. 

A highlight was watching Hilary Price (Rhymes with Orange) accept the big prize (THE Reuben) on her twelfth nomination.

My award meant a lot, knowing that it was voted on by my peers, and I’m super-energized after spending the weekend with the tribe.

I’ll share a full Reubens report with photos in my Substack newsletter. 

For now, we’ll review this week’s gags. Let me know if you think any should be in my submissions for next year’s awards.

I have no issues with cat ear barrettes, but wonder how our feline companions view them.

It just might be a sustainable business model, and they can claim to use a hundred percent recycled materials.

That creepy clown jack-in-the-box from my childhood still haunts me. Also, a couple of my adulthood toys are scattered around the room.

Now available at your favorite bookseller for $14.95, or inside the joint for two packs of smokes or a cup of drug-free pee.

A few months ago, I received an email message with the word “beanstalk” spelled as “beanstock.” When I read it, the gag popped into my head fully formed.

It was one of the rare occasions where I could plan ahead and draw the original in a way that would work easily in both configurations. 

Here's a scan of the original drawing.

This is the art with the panel and strip templates overlaying it, along with word balloons and caption boxes. The biggest change was relocating the Pie symbol.

The auto part that’s lubricated with sesame oil, or maybe the appetizer that's fried in 10W-40.

Sharp Dressed Mensch

Our very first Bizarro fashion model is my pal Jeff B. of Fairmont, West Virginia.

Looking groovy, Jeff!

All three Bizarro tees can be ordered from the Comics Kingdom Shop. 

If you’d like to show off your good taste in clothing, please send your picture to: WaynoCartoons(at)gmail(dot)com.

By sending your photo, you permit us to share it online. Readers will be identified only by first name, last initial, and city. Whether or not you send a picture, we truly appreciate your support!

That's the latest from Bizarro Studios North. 

Thanks for coming by, and a special lump-in-the-throat of gratitude for all of the notes of encouragement before, and congratulations after receiving the NCS award.

Your positive vibes were truly appreciated.

See you next week.

Bonus Track
Dean Elliott and his Swinging Big Big Band
"Will You Still Be Mine?"

from the LP Zounds! What Sounds!
Capitol Records, 1962

Dean Elliott (1917-1999) was born William Lorenzo Bunt. Zounds! What Sounds! is a fine example of weirdo space-age pop, but Elliott was also responsible for many cartoon scores including the Mr. Magoo TV series, some of Chuck Jones's 1960s Tom and Jerry shorts, and such classics as The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show.

After posting the robot spring rolls gag, this song was stuck in my head, and now I give it to you.

Boatloads of Bizarro



  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    You dress up nice.

    1. I have a stylist who helps me look presentable in public!

  2. Wayno, what an honor. You certainly earned it!

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Congratulations Wayno! A very deserved honor and recognition for you. Thanks for sharing your talents! Jennifer B in WA

    1. Thank YOU for the kind words, Jennifer!

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM


  5. Michael Johnson12:34 PM

    I always enjoy your photos from these get-togethers, showing what the people whose work I have enjoyed actually look like. Thanks. And congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Michael! We're usually hidden away in our workspaces, and I too enjoy seeing the humans behind the work!

  6. Congratulations on your win! Looks like you had an absolute blast. Oh yeah, this weeks comics are terrific as always. 😉

    1. Dee, thank you! It was a lot of fun. It always is -- I like my group of colleagues. They're a supportive and friendly bunch.

  7. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Congratulations on your award. Peer recognition is the best.

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Congrats on your win! BTW Drawing those ‘spring rolls’ must have taken some time, because they look so realistic.
    John Hurlbut

    1. Thanks, John. They became a sort of relaxing exercise, believe it or not!

  9. Congratulations!!! Well deserved and thanks for all the great comics and hard work you and Dan do and share.

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Lee.

  10. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Were you gagging the Olympics medal winners with the prize bite?
    Congrats on your personal podium win!
    Nice touch, the sippy cup spout for the bibbed robot …

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      I thought that was a can of oil.

    2. 1) Yes, that was a goof on the Olympic medalists, suggested by my Editor who took the photo.

      2) Good eye, that was a can of K2 oil, in keeping with the automotive theme of the giant springs.
