Saturday, August 10, 2024

Cryptid Career Counseling

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


Art is rearranging and grouping mistakes.
Don Van Vliet aka Captain Beefheart

Don Van Vliet was eminently quotable, though much of what he said could be puzzling, as he had his own manner of forming thoughts and constructing sentences. The line we're sharing here is straightforward and relatable. It's also a valuable bit of advice.

My take is that experimentation and editing are required to produce art, and that it's rarely created fully-formed. The most important step in creating any type of art is starting with something—a mark on a piece of paper or a couple of words, and building from there, keeping what works and setting aside what doesn't. In fact, getting to a satisfying (if not great) work of art requires making countless mistakes.

I realize that this conversation is familiar ground for me. It came to mind again when I read of the former football star Colin Kaepernick raising four million dollars for an AI-based platform for publishing comics. Imagine it! Entering a few prompts will produce a wholly artificial product without involving bothersome "gatekeepers" like artists or writers. Designed to "democratize" comics, in reality, it'll unleash a flood of even more soulless corporate crap.

We choose to presume that there will always be those who recognize and appreciate the work of human beings, which is why Dan Piraro and I are so grateful to our readers. Thank you for being a part of the Bizarro comics community.

Today's pipe pic is the cover of London Mystery Magazine issue 75, published in December, 1967.

I'm a fan of old-school two-color design, and the combination of stylized illustration, text, and a photographic element makes for a winning cover. The signature below the pipe looks like "Buster."

Thanks to Bizarro buddy Richard G for sending this image my way, and kudos to the mysterious Buster for a job well done.

The following cartoons were written and drawn by a human cartoonist, flaws and all.

This site came to be known as GameHenge.

They eventually agreed to use a blurry identification photo.

"And the old pond had all the flies we could eat."

This young go-getter is looking for the escalator of success.

Wherever this image came from, I enjoyed drawing the tiny toilet and the braided rawhide treat.

Saturday's gag was written around July 4th, as we endured the call of amateur pyrotechnics and awaited the response of ambulance sirens. 

I admit to attending and enjoying many Independence Day fireworks displays throughout my life, but a New York Times opinion column got me thinking about them in ways I hadn't considered before. It's worth reading and discussing. 

A vertical strip layout brings us to the end of another week of cartoonery. 

Thank you for reading and supporting the work of non-robot cartoonists. We hope you'll be back next week for more rearranged mistakes.

Bonus Track
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band:
"Tropical Hot Dog Night"

from I'm Gonna Do What I Wanna Do
Rhino CD, 2000

In the interest of symmetry, we close with Captain Beefheart recorded live at My Father's Place in Roslyn, New York in 1978. Every member of the Magic Band was in fine form that evening, and trombonist Bruce Fowler shines on this selection.

Serving All Your Bizarro Needs



  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The manic push for AI in everything is certainly depressing. But the upside to this story is that $4 million is effectively zero in that world. Hopefully, this is just a little publicity blip and this will sink into obscurity in no time.

    1. Oops. I accidentally posted anonymously.

  2. 1st, thank you for continuing to create great cartoons and brightening my day. You and Dan are the best!
    You might enjoy a great song by Jimmy Buffett about 4th of July fireworks called, "That Was The Night I Painted The Sky." The studio version can be heard here:, and the story behind the song and a solo acoustice version recorded a few years ago is here:

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I can't believe there are still JB songs we've not heard; thanks for the links!

    2. ANDREA1:50 PM

      Oh, it's a NEW CD, to be released next month! Thanks for the tip!! Am an extreme [some would say] JB fan.

    3. That's a new one to me! Thanks!

    4. Andrea: It is on the "Barameter Soup" CD which has been out for many years. It's one of my favorite JB albums.

  3. I admire Colin Kaepernick for the stands he has taken, but was very disappointed to read that he is helping create AI generated comics.

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Gentleman Cartoonist Keith Knight wrote that he was SO PSYCHED to meet Kaepernick, until he found ouut that Colin was there to push his AI stuff. And another dream bit the dust.

    1. Yes, Keef's comic was powerful.

  5. I note with approval the Bushmiller rocks in the domino strip.

  6. Brain cramp! I meant Tchaikovsky is rolling in his grave laughing!

    1. Ha! I'm familiar with that affliction!

  7. The tiny toilet teacup is hilarious!
