Saturday, March 15, 2025

Corned Beef & Baggage

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you.
Brendan Behan

Top o' the mornin' to you, Jazz Pickles. Since it's the weekend before Saint Patrick's Day, we open with a simply stated but deeply truthful quote from Irish author Brendan Behan. I must admit that my knowledge of Irish literature is limited. I have read Behan's autobiographical novel Borstal Boy, based on his experiences in a borstal (a prison for youthful offenders). I also struggled through James Joyce's Ulysses while attending college, though it took several attempts, and my compression level was below five percent.

I enjoy Irish food, art, music, and films and have a special appreciation for perfectly poured Guinness. 

We observe St. Patrick's Day quietly, with an Irish meal prepared at home. This is not for religious reasons but because we're happy for any excuse to have a special dinner, although my spouse does have some Irish ancestry. Also, I'm too old for drunken frat party-style celebrations.

If you observe the day, I wish you the best. 

I want to become more familiar with Irish literature.

Today's nautical pipe pic comes from Bizarro reader Alaric M. of Lowell, MA.

We have no information other than the photo, but it's a winning image. I don't know how large or small it is. It would make a lovely lapel pin, and I've been referring to it as the Bronze Lobsterman. 

Thanks to Alaric for sharing another fine pipe pic.

Let's see if there's anything worth celebrating in this week's Bizarro cartoons.

I may have taken some prehistoric liberties when casting this cartoon, which was published on my youngest brother's birthday. Happy birthday from one fossil to another!

Speaking of ancient history, we went out on a limb with this reference to a 1960s sitcom. Gilligan seems to transcend generations.

This one necessitated a vertical strip layout.

The irony isn't lost on me; people viewing this panel online also see targeted ads.

The therapist should also address the patient's apparent vestiphobia.

I'd like to think that Bizarro is the first newspaper comic to reference Iggy Pop, but if you know of another one, go ahead and burst my bubble.

The collection plate accepts PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle.

This batch concludes with a leftover from January's Vampyre Week.

I recently saw another vampire cartoon with the caption NOSFERATUTU. Worse, it was done by a good friend, Teresa Roberts Logan, who has an excellent cartoon feature called Laughing Redhead. Worse still, she did her comic in 2021! At least the two aren't precisely the same...

Fortunately, she was very understanding about this type of occurrence, which happens to all of us from both directions. It's still embarrassing, though!

Check out Teresa's Nosferatutu gag here

Oh, yes. My friend TRL is also a hilarious standup comicIf she's in your area, don't miss her.

That's the latest from my Little Shop of Humor. Drop by next week for more cartoons and commentary.

Bonus Track #1

The Undertones: "Teenage Kicks"
Originally 45 released in 1978 by Good Vibrations Records

Every year around this time, I like to share legendary BBC disk jockey John Peel's favorite song of all time.

Bonus Track #2

Iggy Pop: "Five Foot One"
From the LP New Values
Arista Records, 1979

"Five Foot One" is among my favorites of Iggy's post-Stooges recordings. As a fellow of below-average height, I appreciate the sentiment, and as a music lover, it's a great tune and performance. 
He's a bit taller than 5'1", but in person, we'd see eye to eye.

A Bunch o' Bizarro Blarney

If you like what we do and appreciate that it's free of charge, we encourage you to explore the following links.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Several of these cartoons evoked true LOLs! (Much to the shock or annoyance of the folks around me in the cafe.) Regarding Wednesday's gag, a recommendation: uBlock, such as Origin Lite. Scot, who is BBQing with BBKing.

    1. Thanks, Scot! Nice to hear from you again, as BBQ weather is returning here!

  2. Hate to burst your bubble but:

    Though I like yours better.
    I thought you might put his song “Dog Food” as your weekly musical pick when I saw it.

    1. Thanks, Kevin! I'm still claiming that I haven't seen the Igster in a newspaper comic yet!

  3. John Keating12:52 PM

    I, too, struggled with Ulysses. Then, I discovered the audio book. It turns out that the book seems to have been written to be heard, rather than read. Similar to the one by Homer. Listening to the work, it is easier to tell who is speaking, and many of the puns and jokes depend on Dublin Irish pronunciation.

    1. That makes sense, John. I bet a Bloomsday reading would make things clearer, but I can't attend that because it's our wedding anniversary. I'll seek out the audiobook!

  4. As a lifelong fan of Iggy, I enjoyed your use of him this week. But Mark Parisi of OffTheMark has you beat by a few years. But as the saying goes, "Great minds think alike!"

    1. Greg! Thanks for finding that. Mark is one of my favorite cartoonists, so it's cool to see his take on Iggy.
