Saturday, September 14, 2024

I Shot the Serif

This is the weekly dispatch from Bizarro Studios North, where I have been writing and drawing the Monday through Saturday Bizarro comics since 2018. My partner and friend Dan Piraro created Bizarro in the late twentieth century and continues to do the Sunday comic from Rancho Bizarro in Mexico.


Greetings, friends. 

Today's post kicks off with an ursine pipe pic courtesy of Bizarro reader Kurt B., who took the photo while vacationing in the Great Smoky (Smoking?) Mountains.

Nineteen painted fiberglass bear statues are placed around Cherokee, North Carolina. This one is titled Sequoyah Syllabeary and was painted by Charles Saunooke.

A big Bizarro thank you to Kurt for the photos and for taking time during his vacation to send them to us.

No bears, wildlife, or domestic animals were harmed in the making of this week's Bizarro cartoons.

Not to be confused with the later pharaoh, King Tsk-Tsk.

A person appointed by the government to advise on and coordinate policy in the area of airline security might be referred to as the country's TSA Tsar.

Wednesday's gag was a bit of an inside joke, but I think the concept is clear, even for those who aren't in the biz.

The trickiest aspect of this panel and strip was positioning the woman's eye to be looking at the guy's word balloon.

L-R: Panel, Strip

A counterclockwise rotation of eleven degrees did the trick. Sometimes, we do use math in our adult lives!

What's particularly galling is that the bird learned to say, "I'll probably outlive you by decades."

Don't you just hate music that's been processed through AutoTwang?

The Forest Service dress code was the subject of intense contract negotiations.

Order Up!

Our friend Chef Sam says the Bizarro Jazz Pickle tee is "my new favorite shirt!"

Looking swell, Sam! Thanks for grabbing a shirt and for the longtime friendship and support (I see three of my poster designs on the wall there.)

All three Bizarro tees, available in various colors, can be ordered from the Comics Kingdom Shop. 

If you’d like to show off your good taste in clothing, send your picture to WaynoCartoons(at)gmail(dot)com.

By sending your photo, you permit us to share it online. Readers will be identified by first name only. Whether or not you send a picture, we truly appreciate your purchase of Bizarrowear!

With that, we close out another edition of this ol' blog.

Thank you for reading Bizarro and supporting the art of cartooning.

See you next week.

PS: Make sure you're registered to vote!

Bonus Track

The Bonzo Dog Band: "Mister Slater's Parrot"
from the LP, Keynsham
Liberty Records, 1969

I'll take any opportunity to share music by the Bonzo Dog Band, and since I featured a parrot this week, I had to include this oddball number. The Bonzos have been on my mind lately because Madfish Music will soon release a definitive box set collection. I'm going to ask for one when I write to Santa.

A Hunka Hunka Burnin' Bizarro



  1. Bonus pipe pic on the album cover!

    1. You're right! I've looked at that cover so many times I no longer notice that!

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    You shoulda colored you graphic designer's pupils Pantone 278-C.

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Smokey bare….still growling!!!

  4. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I loved the parrot cartoon and the bonus track with what I assume was a parrot in the background. I have had a macaw for almost 30 years. Sometimes he talks and mumbles. He hasn’t been featured on any recordings that my husband has done, though I did manage to record a short video of him singing.

    My husband is a musician, so our macaw grew up with people playing music and singing.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the cartoon and the Bonzos song. I've never determined whether that's an actual parrot or a person imitating one on that record.

      Thanks for sharing about your pet! I think he's got a good home!

  5. Re:kerning: when my dad put together his first computer system at home in 1975, he got this great printer which allowed one to micro-adjust kerning and line spacing, which allowed me to inobviously stretch the length of papers to meet the minimum page count.

    1. That's an early example of creative computing!

  6. Kurt B.8:47 PM

    I am beyond thrilled that you used my pictures. I took them specifically to send in for a "pipe pic".

    1. Thanks again for sharing them! They were perfect for this week with the "Smokey, Bare" gag!

  7. No, I wasn't familiar with that comic!

    Also, I drew mine in July, which was before these "Thatababy" comics were published.

    One of those comics coincidences!
