Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Nonverbal Communication

Today's Rhymes With Orange comic explores an aspect of human-animal interaction.
The idea came from Foster, one of my own feline studio assistants, who can be persistent and persuasive when he's ready for some affection. Below is my submission drawing, which isn't too far off from Hilary's final gag.
I worked out the idea with some sketchbook roughs, which aren't staged as economically as the eventual strip, but have a certain appeal in their own right.
I can't take any credit for the idea of the cat pulling on a pant leg to demand attention. That's Foster's concept.

If you liked today's cartoon, perhaps you'd care to browse through my other collaborations with Hilary Price. They're all archived for your reading pleasure.

Finally, to give credit where it's due, here's a candid shot of my studio assistant taking a break while I practice the ukulele.

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